2023 September Agenda and Minutes

Board of Trustees Meeting
Sept. 14, 2023
3 p.m.
JPH Conference Center


This is a reminder that the North Arkansas College Board of Trustees will meet in person on Thursday, September 14th  at 3 p.m. in the JPH conference center.

Call to Order — Chris McNew

Approval of Agenda — Chris McNew

Regular Reports

  • Finance Report — Richard Stipe
  • Agriculture Report — Michelle Buchanan
  • President's Report — Dr. Rick Massengale

Consent Agenda — Chris McNew

  • August Regular Meeting Minutes
  • August Special Meeting Minutes
  • September Special Meeting Minutes
  • Policy: Satisfactory Academic Progress for Title IV Financial Aid
  • Replacement position: success coach/academic advisor

Board Comments


Board of Trustees
September 14, 2023

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in regular session on Thursday, 14 September 2023 in the JPH Conference Room on the South Campus. Chair McNew called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Trustees Kevin Cheri, Pam Henry, Don Tomlinson, Scott Miller, Luke Feighert, and Sarah Newman were present.

North Arkansas College personnel attending included Dr. Rick Massengale, Richard Stipe, Michelle Buchanan, Micki Somers, Dr. Matt Cardin, Maxine O’Brien, Kelsea Lowery, Nell Bonds, Jo Adams, Tavonda Brown, Dr. Rodney Arnold, and Scott McDonald from Harrison Daily Times. 

Approval of Agenda
Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none a motion was made, unanimously approved. 

Regular Reports
Finance Report: Richard Stipe shared E&G and Auxiliary budget activities through August 31, 2023. 
In the E&G fund, Richard Stipe stated the year-to-date total revenue was $5,156,817, and the expenditures ended at $3,082,901. The year-to-date total ended with a net gain of $2,073,915. Richard discussed the enrollment impact on tuition & fee revenue. He stated that based on the enrollment of the eleventh day, we are at 1.3% above the budget projection. He said we were on track.

Auxiliary: Revenue for the end of August totaled $351,405, and the Expenditures totaled $358,165. The year-to-date revenue was $711,280, and expenditures were $555,298. He stated the expenditures are trending slightly heavy compared to previous years. He spoke about the CRMI project and informed the members that areas have been adjusted and finished with the second round of estimating—a projected cost of $8.3 million. Mr. Stipe stated we are about two to three weeks from a finished architectural drawing of the project. He said it would go through EEA for review and approval before signing the contract.

Agricultural Report: Michelle Buchanan shared information about the agricultural program, including AS in Agriculture, AAS in Turf Management, and TC in Sports Turf Management. The agriculture program currently has thirty-one students, currently. She presented details on our turf management program, greenhouse, high tunnel, and a new composter for the high tunnel. She said the students spend time with local farms for hands-on experience. She introduced the Farm manager, Lyndsey Booth. Lyndsey works on all areas of the program. The greenhouse & high tunnel provide produce to bg真人游戏注册 College Grill, Neighbors Mill, Skylark, Redeeming the Thyme Farmstand & Gifts, and the Sanctuary.

Mrs. Buchanan spoke highly of former student Grant Cross, an Assistant Groundskeeper with Arkansas Travelers. The Turf Management program consists of fifteen turf management majors, thirteen apprentices, five turf students set to graduate in December, multiple apprenticeship sites, and a new internship site in 2022-Focal Pointe Outdoor Solutions, Inc. Big Cedar, Pinnacle Country Club, Twin Lakes Golf, Benton Parks and Rec, Mountain Home Parks and Recreation, Ball Coach Lawn Service, Holiday Island, Harrison Country Club, and Belmar Country Club are apprenticeship sites under the turf management program.
Mrs. Buchanan covered the Ag Club- Agriculture Education, Leadership, Community Service, and Networking. Farm Bureau sponsors the Ag club. Hannah Harrison won the competition and the Young Ranchers and Farmers conference. She will participate in the national competition in February 2024. Mrs. Buchanan listed the recruiting opportunities: State ATA Conference, Employer Connections, Area high schools, FFA LDE, State FFA Convention, and student connections.

President's Report: Dr. Massengale stated the Student Semester Credit Hours were 18,727, and the headcount was 1927 for the fall 2023 semester. He visions an increase in enrollment as we go further in the month. Dr. Massengale noted that we are in the third-best year in the last decade. He broke down the numbers behind the headcount from Fall 2022 to Fall 2023. Dr. Massengale listed a breakdown of the concurrent and NTC student numbers. The president of the HEART board, Chris Rost, sent a note of appreciation to the college, Foundation staff, and bg真人游戏注册's board of trustees for their support of the bike trail.

 Dr. Massengale thanked Anstaff and Signature Bank for cooking and providing food to the Business and IT department block party offered to our students. bg真人游戏注册 students, with the instruction of Chad Hathaway of the heavy equipment class, work with the Boone County Regional Airport to prepare a 70X60 box hangar. Dr. Massengale mentioned the student event, including a student-led concert, food, and activities. Tavonda Brown discussed the policy, Satisfactory Academic Progress for Title IV Financial Aid, before presenting it for approval on the consent agenda.

Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda included the August regular meeting minutes, August special meeting minutes, September special meeting minutes, policy: Satisfactory Academic Progress for Title IV Financial Aid, and replacement position: Career Coach/Academic Advisor. Chair McNew asked for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. A motion was made by Trustee Miller, seconded by Trustee Henry, and unanimously approved.

Chair McNew adjourned the meeting at 3:49 p.m. 

Board of Trustees Meeting
Sept. 5, 2023
Bennie Ellis Board Room


In accordance with Arkansas Act 93 of 1967, this notice serves toinform the public that members of the North Arkansas College Board of Trusteesmay attend a special meeting on Tuesday, September 5th  at 7:30 a.m.in the JPH conference center. No action will betaken.

Call to Order — Chris McNew

Approval of Agenda — Chris McNew

Executive Session
Pursuant to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act 25-19-106 (c) (1) Executive Sessions will be permitted only for the purpose of considering employment, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining, or resignation of any public officer or employee.

Adjournment — Chris McNew

Board of Trustees 
Special Called Meeting 
05 September 2023

The North Arkansas College Board of Trustees met in Special Session on Tuesday, September 5,2023 in the JPH Conference Center on the South Campus. Chair Chris McNew called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Trustees, Luke Feighert, Linda Pledger, Pam Henry, Debbie Johnson, and Sarah Newman were present.

North Arkansas College personnel attending included Dr. Rick Massengale and Jo Adams 

Approval of Agenda
Chair McNew asked if there were any changes to the agenda as presented. There being none, the agenda was approved. 

Executive Session: Chair McNew stated that the primary reason for the meeting, to discuss personnel matter. Chair McNew requested a motion to meet in Executive Session, which was made by Trustee Johnson, seconded by Trustee Henry, and passed. Trustee Johnson made a motion to reconvene in regular session, which was seconded by Trustee Henry, and passed. Chair McNew noted that no action was taken.

Board Comments: There being no further business, Chair Chris McNew adjourned the meeting at 8:01 a.m. 

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